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    Melville Hometown 



 Dec 2/2023

   6:00  PM 


    9:00 PM


                                         A quote from a woman named Elizabeth Andrew - -

                                      "volunteers do  not necessarily have the time;

                                         they have the heart"


The Chamber agrees with her.


The Melville Chamber has been involved in this community for over 65 years.  That is 65 years of working towards the betterment of the community.  We are an organization that only succeeds because we can call upon wonderful people like our volunteers who give us their time and expect nothing in return.


We have seen many people give their blood, sweat and tears to our organization.

We have seen business managers give up their evenings to attend a committee planning session even after they spent the past week in meetings of their own.


We have seen business owners give up their lunch hour to make phone calls and organize details of an event.  


We have seen individuals hitting the pavement, knocking on doors and rallying for sponsorships and handing out posters.


We have seen students getting up before sunrise handling the heavy lifting to help their community.  


We have seen non-profit organizations, giving up their weekend to lend a helping hand to our organization and watch over our event.


Looking at everything our volunteers do for us, we not only see the sacrifice they have given but we see how big their hearts are for their community.  

It's something we should all be proud of.

Volunteers are more valuable than most people realize.


The Melville & District Chamber of Commerce

is extremely grateful for all the work they do.


Over the years there have been a lot of people and their friends, children and/or grandchildren who have thoroughly enjoyed Chamber events.  

The Chamber Events bring people to our community where they will shop at our businesses, eat at our restaurants, stay in our hotels, etc. 

Volunteers make it possible for the Chamber to create new and different programs and events.  We greatly appreciate their help and hope they will continue to volunteer so we can continue providing events now and into the future.  

We are hoping that in the years to come we will have volunteers stepping forward to help with Chamber events.  The more the merrier; the more ideas and the more suggestions the better.


The objective of the Melville & District Chamber of Commerce shall be to support, promote and improve trade, agriculture and commerce and the economic civic and social welfare of the district.
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