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Our Member Benefits

FREE ‘Business Anonymous’
Support Programs


We host four of these support programs annually. They are 1 hour programs that take place after business hours.  We bring in local business owners to talk and answer questions. Each session is based around a theme: Life Balancing, Finances, Marketing, Staffing, Branding, Community etc...  It gives our members a chance to learn from each other, meet and network with new people and build a support group within our own community.

Advertising Opportunities:


WEBSITE: We offer opportunities for our members to place information about their business on our Website.  This promotes online exposure and gives your company a more competitive edge.

SPORSORSHIP: A great way for your business to get more exposure throughout the community is through sponsorship at Chamber Events.

Business Oriented and Community Driven Events


We organize, plan and execute events that help boost, promote or celebrate our business community. Our annual events are our Spring Trade Show & Sale usually held in March and Railway Days which is usually held in July.  As a member you will receive early bird application notice to register a booth for the Trade Show and first dibs on sponsorship for Railway Days events.  Paid members receive reduced ticket prices to events.

Strong Voice of Business:


Our main purpose is to be the Voice of  our Businesses.  As such, at every Chamber meeting we have City representatives who attend. This allows our board to bring any questions or concerns from our members directly to City council to be addressed.  We also have strong working relationships with SPREDA, Tourism Melville, the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

Business Referrals:

When our Chamber office is contacted with questions about businesses in the area we refer potential customers to our chamber members first!


Our members receive a Chamber package annually which contains the names and contact informaion of our Chamber members.


When a member is unable to provide a service or product for a customer they are encouraged to refer business to another member.

Chambers of Commerce
Group Insurance Plan:

Canada's #1 benefits plan  can provide our paid members business with a comprehensive and competitive health, dental, and disability program customized to meet the needs of your employees. Regardless of the size of your business/firm the Chambers Plan can find a plan that's right for you.  Visit their website today to find out what the Chambers Plan, Canada's #1 group health insurance, can do for your large, medium or small business or the self-employed person.

Chamber Merchant Services


The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and First Data, a leader in the electronic payment processing industry, have partnered to bring Chamber members exclusive benefits.


Save more with First Data's preferred rate

program for chamber members. 

or call 844.675.6357

Constant Communication:


We are proud to have recently launched this website. We also have a newsletter that will feature our member highlights which goes out to all of our members.  We also have an up to date email database so that each member receives a copy of the latest minutes and agendas from our meetings.


FREE Informative Key Speakers

Our Annual General Meeting and usually a few more times throughout the year, we attempt to  bring in expert guest speakers that we think would be informative for our business community to hear.  As a member, it is free to attend these events to hear these speakers.


Member to Member
Discount Program

This program is in the development stages.


The members listed on our Member to Member portion of our website offer discounts on their goods and services. As a member of the Melville & District Chamber of Commerce, you are entitled to these discounts. You can start reaping these savings just by calling one of the members listed at on our website (Membership) when you are looking for a particular product or service and letting them know that you are patronizing their business because they are a member of the Melville & District Chamber of Commerce.

Melville & District Chamber of Commerce Identification Card:

Once you become a member you will receive our member identification card. This card is to be displayed in your place of business.

Tax Deductible
UPS Member Benefit Program:


The Melville & District Chamber of Commerce paid Members can take advanage of exclusive discounts on UPS Small package shipments, Brokerage and Freight shipments.  Whether you send one package a week or 50, you save right from the start.

No minimums.  No Hassle.

For more information call 1800MEMBERS

Your chamber membership can be claimed as a business expense.




The objective of the Melville & District Chamber of Commerce shall be to support, promote and improve trade, agriculture and commerce and the economic civic and social welfare of the district.
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